What is Nordblod?
We are a small independent clothing and jewellery brand from France ( Normandia). It all started with a small art account on Instagram which grew to something we could never have imagined. This has been a long childhood dream of mine, so my utmost biggest and humblest thank you!

The vision and dream
The aim for us is to create clothing that expresses a fascination, knowledge and passion for history and culture. We love creating new cultural items with inspiration from the past. Our brand also contains a community feeling since your items will connect you with people from all over the world.
It is not only about items, a community is built on so much more. On Nordblod.com you can also find the a norse books list and blog posts containing tales of mythology and information about the past. Welcome to our community, you’re welcome here and don’t forget to enjoy your stay!

Team of Nordblod

Creator and designer

Artist and fashion designer

Blacksmith and logistics

Community manager and co-creator